Sunday, November 30, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
TAKAFUL PENDIDIKAN.. Satu keperluan dalam merancang pendidikan anak anda.
Untuk anak kesayangan anda, anda tentu akan melakukan apa saja untuk mereka. Ini termasuklah menyediakan satu dana yang mencukupi untuk pendidikan mereka. Namun begitu, sebagai manusia biasa kita tidak boleh menjangka umur dan kesihatan kita. Jika tidak kena caranya dana pendidikan anak akan di gunakan untuk tujuan perbelanjaan harian atau tujuan perubatan. Jika ini berlaku... maka habis lah dana pendidikan anak tersebut.
Anda pastinya memerlukan 1 jenis simpanan pendidikan yang terjamin bagi memastikan dana pendidikan anak anda tidak terjejas oleh masalah lain.
Kini, MAA Takaful telah melancarkan plan Takaful Pendidikan berkaitan pelaburan yang menarik untuk semua rakyat Malaysia. Antara keistimewaannya adalah:-
(jika pembayar meninggal awal / disahkan mengidap penyakit kritikal)
- 5A – RM500
- 8A – RM 1000
( ini adalah ilustrasi sahaja, rujuk Sijil Takaful untuk pengesahan)
Sekiranya anda berminat untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut mengenai Takaful Pendidikan MAA ini, hubungi saya, Fauzi, di talian 017-6668905 untuk temujanji atau emel ke
Thursday, November 20, 2008
5 Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Life (Insurance)
by Barry Higgins (Contact Author Biography)
There are many good reasons to consider buying a life insurance policy, such as a recent marriage, a new baby, or a large debt purchase (like a mortgage) that loved ones would have trouble paying if something happened to you. Or, perhaps you have witnessed first-hand the impact a death has on a surviving family's finances. If you're in the market for life insurance or have recently bought a policy, make sure you don't put your family's finances in jeopardy by making these mistakes. (Read about whether you need life insurance and if so, how much you should get in How Much Life Insurance Should You Carry?)
Mistake No.1 - Waiting to Buy Insurance
Regardless of the reason, it's important to take action as soon as you feel a policy is required. Life insurance rates generally increase as people age or their health deteriorates. And, in some cases, illnesses or health problems may make you ineligible for coverage. The longer you put off the buying decision the more the insurance will probably cost - if you can buy it at all.
Mistake No.2 - Buying the Cheapest Policy
While it is important to shop for a policy that's priced in line with the rest of the marketplace, that should not be the sole consideration in your decision-making process. Life insurance policies can be a bit complicated, so it's a good idea to learn about policy features and benefits.Many people mistakenly believe that price is the only differentiator for term life insurance. However, there are important policy provisions that you should investigate before going with the lowest price. Most term policies are "convertible," meaning they may be exchanged for a permanent type of life insurance policy at a later date regardless of your future health. Some policies also offer more generous conversion privileges than others. Get an understanding of how long the conversion option is available; the most generous conversion privileges are available for as long as you pay term policy premiums or to a specific age, such as 70. Also, make sure to find out if there are any restrictions on the type of policy available for purchase under the conversion privilege. Some policies offer just one type of permanent policy at conversion, while others offer several. (Keep reading about term life insurance in What is term insurance?)
Mistake No.3 - Making Late or Missed Payments
If you're considering buying a universal life policy with secondary guarantees - low-premium guaranteed death benefits for life or for a specified period of time - a late payment can have an impact on policy benefits.
Universal life is a special type of permanent policy that has been marketed as having long-term guaranteed protection at the lowest possible rate - it is very different from term insurance. While many of these types of policies have cash surrender value, universal life with secondary guarantees focuses on maximizing the amount of insurance available per dollar of premium.
Some of these policies can be sensitive to the timing of premium payments. For example, if you happen to miss a monthly payment - or are more than a month late sending in your check - your guaranteed policy may no longer be guaranteed. A policy purchased with guaranteed coverage to age 100 might only provide protection to age 92 if one premium payment is late or missed. Be sure to check with your company if you think you're going to be late on a payment; many will allow 30 to 60 days without changing the policy's
Mistake No.4 - Forgetting Insurance Is an Investment
The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) considers a variable life insurance policy an investment, so it is important for you to treat it as one too.
A variable life insurance policy is a permanent type of policy that provides life insurance protection with cash value. Part of the premium goes toward life insurance, and part goes into a cash value account that is invested into various mutual fund-like investments you choose. Like mutual funds, the value of these accounts fluctuates and is based on the performance of the underlying investments. People often look to these policy values in the future as a source of funds to supplement their retirement income. (To learn more, see What is variable life insurance?)
You must fund a variable life policy sufficiently to maximize its cash value growth. This means continuing to make adequate premium payments, especially during times of poor investment returns. Paying less than originally planned can have a big impact on the cash value available to you in the future. It's also important to monitor your policy's performance and periodically "rebalance" your accounts to your desired allocation, just as you would with any investment account. This will help ensure you're not taking on more risk than you had planned when you set up your account.
Mistake No.5 - Borrowing From Your Policy
The cash value of a permanent policy can generally be used for any reason you see fit, including tax-free withdrawals and loans, if done properly. This is a great benefit, but it must be carefully managed. If you take too much money out of your policy and your policy "lapses", or runs out of money, all the gains you've taken out will become taxable.
If you have taken too much money out and your policy is about to lapse, you may be able to maintain the policy by making additional premium payments, assuming you can afford them. When accessing your life insurance policy's cash value, be sure to monitor it closely and consult your tax advisor for guidance to avoid any unwanted tax liability.
The decision to buy life insurance is an important one. Make sure you do your homework, read your policy and understand all of its provisions. While losing or never buying life insurance may not ruin your life, it will certainly hurt those people who you're buying it for.
There are many good reasons to consider buying a life insurance policy, such as a recent marriage, a new baby, or a large debt purchase (like a mortgage) that loved ones would have trouble paying if something happened to you. Or, perhaps you have witnessed first-hand the impact a death has on a surviving family's finances. If you're in the market for life insurance or have recently bought a policy, make sure you don't put your family's finances in jeopardy by making these mistakes. (Read about whether you need life insurance and if so, how much you should get in How Much Life Insurance Should You Carry?)
Mistake No.1 - Waiting to Buy Insurance
Regardless of the reason, it's important to take action as soon as you feel a policy is required. Life insurance rates generally increase as people age or their health deteriorates. And, in some cases, illnesses or health problems may make you ineligible for coverage. The longer you put off the buying decision the more the insurance will probably cost - if you can buy it at all.
Mistake No.2 - Buying the Cheapest Policy
While it is important to shop for a policy that's priced in line with the rest of the marketplace, that should not be the sole consideration in your decision-making process. Life insurance policies can be a bit complicated, so it's a good idea to learn about policy features and benefits.Many people mistakenly believe that price is the only differentiator for term life insurance. However, there are important policy provisions that you should investigate before going with the lowest price. Most term policies are "convertible," meaning they may be exchanged for a permanent type of life insurance policy at a later date regardless of your future health. Some policies also offer more generous conversion privileges than others. Get an understanding of how long the conversion option is available; the most generous conversion privileges are available for as long as you pay term policy premiums or to a specific age, such as 70. Also, make sure to find out if there are any restrictions on the type of policy available for purchase under the conversion privilege. Some policies offer just one type of permanent policy at conversion, while others offer several. (Keep reading about term life insurance in What is term insurance?)
Mistake No.3 - Making Late or Missed Payments
If you're considering buying a universal life policy with secondary guarantees - low-premium guaranteed death benefits for life or for a specified period of time - a late payment can have an impact on policy benefits.
Universal life is a special type of permanent policy that has been marketed as having long-term guaranteed protection at the lowest possible rate - it is very different from term insurance. While many of these types of policies have cash surrender value, universal life with secondary guarantees focuses on maximizing the amount of insurance available per dollar of premium.
Some of these policies can be sensitive to the timing of premium payments. For example, if you happen to miss a monthly payment - or are more than a month late sending in your check - your guaranteed policy may no longer be guaranteed. A policy purchased with guaranteed coverage to age 100 might only provide protection to age 92 if one premium payment is late or missed. Be sure to check with your company if you think you're going to be late on a payment; many will allow 30 to 60 days without changing the policy's
Mistake No.4 - Forgetting Insurance Is an Investment
The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) considers a variable life insurance policy an investment, so it is important for you to treat it as one too.
A variable life insurance policy is a permanent type of policy that provides life insurance protection with cash value. Part of the premium goes toward life insurance, and part goes into a cash value account that is invested into various mutual fund-like investments you choose. Like mutual funds, the value of these accounts fluctuates and is based on the performance of the underlying investments. People often look to these policy values in the future as a source of funds to supplement their retirement income. (To learn more, see What is variable life insurance?)
You must fund a variable life policy sufficiently to maximize its cash value growth. This means continuing to make adequate premium payments, especially during times of poor investment returns. Paying less than originally planned can have a big impact on the cash value available to you in the future. It's also important to monitor your policy's performance and periodically "rebalance" your accounts to your desired allocation, just as you would with any investment account. This will help ensure you're not taking on more risk than you had planned when you set up your account.
Mistake No.5 - Borrowing From Your Policy
The cash value of a permanent policy can generally be used for any reason you see fit, including tax-free withdrawals and loans, if done properly. This is a great benefit, but it must be carefully managed. If you take too much money out of your policy and your policy "lapses", or runs out of money, all the gains you've taken out will become taxable.
If you have taken too much money out and your policy is about to lapse, you may be able to maintain the policy by making additional premium payments, assuming you can afford them. When accessing your life insurance policy's cash value, be sure to monitor it closely and consult your tax advisor for guidance to avoid any unwanted tax liability.
The decision to buy life insurance is an important one. Make sure you do your homework, read your policy and understand all of its provisions. While losing or never buying life insurance may not ruin your life, it will certainly hurt those people who you're buying it for.
Monday, November 10, 2008
MAA TAKAFUL - CancerCare

“Tak mungkin saya menghidap kanser” Inilah yang mungkin terlintas dalam hati apabila memikirkan tentang kanser. Malangnya dalam dunia hari ini , tiada siapa yang boleh bersikap terlalu yakin bahawa mereka boleh mencegah penyakit memudaratkan ini. Namun, dengan kemajuan perubatan yang sedia ada, kebanyakan kanser boleh dikesan di peringkat awal dan berjaya di rawat.
Kanser adalah penyakit yang tidak memilih bulu. Penyakit ini tidak peduli badan siapa yang diserangnya. Sel kanser hidup semata mata memenuhi matlamatnya sendiri untuk membiak. Kanser langsung tidak menunjukkan belas kasihan dalam usahanya untuk mengambil alih badan perumah sehingga tubuh yang dihuninya tidak lagi wujud.
KANSER. Perkataan yang sering dikaitkan dengan kematian.
Tahukah kita… Ada 210 jenis penyakit di dunia ini diklasifikasikan dibawah nama kanser. Ia menyerang 11 juta orang dewasa dan kanak kanak seluruh dunia dan 6 juta darinya meninggal dunia setiap tahun.
Di Malaysia, 45,000 warganya disahkan penghidap kanser setiap tahun. Ia adalah pembunuh terbesar rakyat Malaysia selepas sakit jantung.
Apa itu CancerCare
Ia adalah pelan perubatan yang menyediakan bayaran manfaat sekaligus jika orang yang dilindungi mengidap kanser. Manfaat yang disediakan bukanlah bila Kanser itu berada di tahap kritikal atau Tahap ketiga, tetapi jika orang yang dilindungi disahkan Kanser Tahap Pertama atau Carsinoma In Situ (CIS) Khusus Jantina, bayaran sebanyak 25% dari jumlah dilindungi akan diberikan sebagai pendahuluan bagi tujuan rawatan awal.
1. Pelan Kanser KOMPREHENSIF yang melindungi segala bentuk kanser
2. Dirangka secara UNIK untuk membayar manfat peringkat awal dan lanjutan kanser
3. Perlindungan sehingga RM500,000 (1/2 juta) bagi kanser dengan caruman serendah RM67 setahun ( bergantung kepada umur dan jantina)
4. Pelepasan Cukai Pendapatan sehingga RM3000.00 ( bergantung kepada kelayakkan dan kelulusan LHDN)
5. Perkongsian Lebihan (Surplus Sharing) 50% kepada peserta jika tiada tuntutan dibuat.
Kanser adalah penyakit yang tidak memilih bulu. Penyakit ini tidak peduli badan siapa yang diserangnya. Sel kanser hidup semata mata memenuhi matlamatnya sendiri untuk membiak. Kanser langsung tidak menunjukkan belas kasihan dalam usahanya untuk mengambil alih badan perumah sehingga tubuh yang dihuninya tidak lagi wujud.
KANSER. Perkataan yang sering dikaitkan dengan kematian.
Tahukah kita… Ada 210 jenis penyakit di dunia ini diklasifikasikan dibawah nama kanser. Ia menyerang 11 juta orang dewasa dan kanak kanak seluruh dunia dan 6 juta darinya meninggal dunia setiap tahun.
Di Malaysia, 45,000 warganya disahkan penghidap kanser setiap tahun. Ia adalah pembunuh terbesar rakyat Malaysia selepas sakit jantung.
Apa itu CancerCare
Ia adalah pelan perubatan yang menyediakan bayaran manfaat sekaligus jika orang yang dilindungi mengidap kanser. Manfaat yang disediakan bukanlah bila Kanser itu berada di tahap kritikal atau Tahap ketiga, tetapi jika orang yang dilindungi disahkan Kanser Tahap Pertama atau Carsinoma In Situ (CIS) Khusus Jantina, bayaran sebanyak 25% dari jumlah dilindungi akan diberikan sebagai pendahuluan bagi tujuan rawatan awal.
1. Pelan Kanser KOMPREHENSIF yang melindungi segala bentuk kanser
2. Dirangka secara UNIK untuk membayar manfat peringkat awal dan lanjutan kanser
3. Perlindungan sehingga RM500,000 (1/2 juta) bagi kanser dengan caruman serendah RM67 setahun ( bergantung kepada umur dan jantina)
4. Pelepasan Cukai Pendapatan sehingga RM3000.00 ( bergantung kepada kelayakkan dan kelulusan LHDN)
5. Perkongsian Lebihan (Surplus Sharing) 50% kepada peserta jika tiada tuntutan dibuat.
Friday, November 7, 2008

MEROKOK.. Satu perkara yang lumrah di kalangan masyarakat hari ini. Ia kadangkala menjadi satu kemestian bagi setiap orang khususnya lelaki. Ada yang merokok sebab nak release tension. Ada yang merokok sebab nak dapat ilham dan ketenangan. Namun kebanyakkannya merokok sebab ia sudah menjadi ketagihan dan sukar nak di hentikan.
Baru baru ini saya terbaca satu artikel mengenai Bahaya Merokok. Rokok ni mempunyai banyak KELEBIHAN, ni saya listkan seperti di bawah:-
> Rokok mengandungi lebih kurang 4000 jenis bahan kimia
> Dalam 4000 itu, sekurang-kurangnya 200 jenis adalah dikesan berbahaya kepada kesihatan.
> Racun utama yang ada dalam rokok adalah TAR, NIKOTIN dan KARBON MONOKSIDA.
> Rokok mengandungi lebih kurang 4000 jenis bahan kimia
> Dalam 4000 itu, sekurang-kurangnya 200 jenis adalah dikesan berbahaya kepada kesihatan.
> Racun utama yang ada dalam rokok adalah TAR, NIKOTIN dan KARBON MONOKSIDA.
TAR adalah substansi hidrokarbon yang bersifat melekit yang menempel dan melekat pada paru-paru.
NIKOTIN adalah sejenis dadah yang mempengaruhi sistem saraf dan peredaran darah. Bahan ini bersifat karsinogen, yang boleh menyebabkan cancer paru-paru yang amat berbahaya.
KARBON MONOKSIDA adalah bahan yang mengikat hemoglobin dalam darah, menyebabkan darah tidak dapat bercantum dan membawa oksigen.
Kesan-kesan yang disebabkan oleh bahan berbahaya dalam rokok boleh menyebabkan si perokok terdedah kepada risiko mengalami (dibanding yang tidak menghisap rokok) :
NIKOTIN adalah sejenis dadah yang mempengaruhi sistem saraf dan peredaran darah. Bahan ini bersifat karsinogen, yang boleh menyebabkan cancer paru-paru yang amat berbahaya.
KARBON MONOKSIDA adalah bahan yang mengikat hemoglobin dalam darah, menyebabkan darah tidak dapat bercantum dan membawa oksigen.
Kesan-kesan yang disebabkan oleh bahan berbahaya dalam rokok boleh menyebabkan si perokok terdedah kepada risiko mengalami (dibanding yang tidak menghisap rokok) :
1. 14 x kebarangkalian lebih tinggi untuk menghidapi cancer paru-paru, mulut dan tenggorok
2. 4 x kebarangkalian lebih tinggi untuk menghidapi cancer esophagus
3. 2 x kebarangkalian lebih tinggi untuk menghidapi cancer saluran pernafasan
4. 2 x kebarangkalian lebih tinggi untuk menghadapi serangan penyakit jantung.
2. 4 x kebarangkalian lebih tinggi untuk menghidapi cancer esophagus
3. 2 x kebarangkalian lebih tinggi untuk menghidapi cancer saluran pernafasan
4. 2 x kebarangkalian lebih tinggi untuk menghadapi serangan penyakit jantung.
Rokok juga meningkatkan risiko kecacatan bagi penghidap pneumonia dan menyebabkan gagal fungsi jantung, serta tekanan darah tinggi. Menghisap rokok dengan kadar nikotin rendah tidak akan membantu anda mengurangi risiko berbahaya, kerana si perokok pasti akan menghidapi penyakit ketagih kepada bahan2 seperti nikotin dan tar, menyebabkan si perokok cenderung untuk menyedut asap roko secara lebih keras, lebih mendalam dan lebih lama.
Bahan-bahan yang dikenalpasti sebagai sangat berpotensi untuk menyebabkan si perokok menghidapi cancer adalah seperti ;
1. vinyl chloride
2. benzo (a) pyrenes
3. nitroso-nor-nicotine
1. vinyl chloride
2. benzo (a) pyrenes
3. nitroso-nor-nicotine
Berkenaan dengan cancer paru-paru, kematian biasanya terjadi kerana kesulitan bernafas yang diakibatkan oleh ketumbuhan cancer yang semakin membesar. Yang berbahayanya ialah, oleh kerana posisi paru-paru dalam sistem peredaran darah menjadikan cancer jenis ini begitu mudah tersebar ke seluruh tubuh. Penyebaran metastase ke arah otak dan bahagian penting lainnya lah yang mengakibatkan kematian. 90% penderita cancer paru-paru biasanya akan meninggal dunia dalam masa 3 tahun setelah diagnosis.
1. Dalam deklarasi oleh WHO pada 10/October/1983 menyatakan bahawa, seandainya 2/3 daripada perbelanjaan dunia untuk membeli rokok digunakan untuk kepentinga kesihatan, nescaya ianya mampu untuk memenuhi perbelanjaan kesihatan asasi manusia di seluruh dunia.
2. WHO juga menyatakan bahawa di Amerika sahaja, sekitar 346 ribu orang meninggal setiap tahun kerana disebabkan tabiat rokok.
3. 90% dari 660 orang yang terkena penyakit cancer di salah sebuah rumah sakit Shanghai Cina adalah berpunca disebabkan tabiat rokok.
4. Peratus kematian disebabkan rokok adalah lebih tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan peratusan kematian disebabkan peperangan dan kecelakaan jalanraya.
4. Peratus kematian disebabkan rokok adalah lebih tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan peratusan kematian disebabkan peperangan dan kecelakaan jalanraya.
5. Menghisap rokok 20 batang sehari menyebabkan berkurangnya kandungan hemaglobin (diperlukan untuk pembentukan sel darah merah)
6. Peratus kematian orang yang berusia 46 tahun atau lebih adalah 25% lebih bagi perokok.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
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